We are the Alzheimer Society of Alberta and Northwest Territories. We created this website with funding support from the Government of Alberta to share information with Albertans and Alberta employers about dementia in the workplace.
It’s important for all of us to know that living with dementia doesn’t automatically mean a person cannot work. In fact, it could be very important for a person living with dementia to stay in the workforce as long as possible for a number of reasons. There can also be many reasons that a person living with dementia may choose to leave the workforce.
Whatever the scenario – people living with dementia deserve to navigate their unique situation with hope, compassion and clarity. The resources, tips, and scenarios provided through this website offer guidance for both employees and employers to make informed decisions about employment.
35% of employees say they would not be comfortable telling an employer about a dementia diagnosis.
This site is for you if you are an:
Employee in Alberta experiencing cognitive challenges, diagnosed with dementia, or acting as a care partner to someone living with dementia. It can help you:
- Recognize the warning signs of dementia
- Know when and how to consult a doctor
- Take an informed approach to sharing information with your employer
- Think critically about how your experience with dementia affects your ability, desire, and need to work before making employment decisions
- Decide if you want to and how to talk to your colleagues about your experience with dementia
Employer in Alberta or representative of an employer who wishes to:
- Recognize and respond to the warning signs of dementia in the workplace
- Support employees living with dementia in the workplace or to exit the workplace with dignity
- Facilitate dementia-inclusive workplaces
- Recognize and take steps to address dementia-related stigma in the workplace
Please also note that our Society provides a variety of other types of information and support to people impacted by dementia, including resources about the condition and how to manage it. You can access more information about Alzheimer’s Disease and other dementias, and the supports and services available throughout Alberta and the Northwest Territories, at Alzheimer.ab.ca. You can also contact us directly at 1-866-950-5465 or [email protected].